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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

A wonderful two days play

The Collins Gallery has always been such a source of inspiration for me as a textile artist.
So few places in Scotland that have supported and inspired me as an artist.
With was with mixed emotions I attended a magnificent exhibition From Quilts to Couture in Kyrgyzstan and master class with the wonderful nuno artist Burul Mambetova.
The exhibition is on until mid September and well worth a visit for the riot of colour and variety of workmanship. A few images are included and I hope to complete the two garments made and promise to show them in a future blog.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Crafty Women of Girvan

This Saturday and Sunday saw me delighting in the company of the lovely ladies from Crafty Women. This multi talented group created a range of delightful felted items and ideas were racing.
As every I learned a lot from the sharing of ideas and solutions to suggested designs, mind you the 'fantisiser' fascinator gave us all a hearty laugh. I look forward to going back and working with the group again soon.