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Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Seems a little while since I posted here

The dark month of Jan. flew by in a blur of activity.
One of my most inspiring and thought provoking projects I have been working with was the Holocost Memorial Day event. South Ayrshire council commissioned mini residencies by several local artists to work in different media in many local schools. I worked with Primary 7 and Secondary 3 years. A total of 35 children and young adults who produced not just some amazing art work but some insight into how 'Speaking Out' ( this years given theme ) is so relevant to their daily lives.

The artwork will be on exhibition from the 7th of March to the 14th of March at Holmston House in Ayr.
I will show more of the varied art work here on the blog. Here is a little taster.


  1. I love how the kids are today. The teachers are teaching our kids such amazing lessons on past history, and these kids take that knowledge and they 'get' why happened and why mistakes were made and how to avoid them in the future. The world is changing so fast and they have an awareness of what is wrong with our present world and they see how we need to change to fix it! The awareness is the first step towards the future!

  2. Excellent finished felted wall hanging. I can see why it was such a rewarding project Liz.
