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Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Reluctant Models

When your friends come round to visit your Studio and something needs to be seen 'live ' on a model of course you convince them with a cup of tea and a smile how easy it all is ...the cat loved the show and I can think up lots of captions for some funny looks between canine and human models.
Bobby cat has become a bit of a mascot here and I am convinced that most of my visitors are here to see him and not me. I have always loved skins, even as a young child when I used to make purses out of cod skin or eels we had caught to eat. Learning how the Mongolians respect the life of the animals they very humanely kill by using every last and bones too, i appreciate the wool I use most day comes from animals farmed for their meat. Wool prices don't merit the keeping of animals for just their yearly gift of wool sad as that may be and using the skin in my work is a way for me to work with the whole industry of sheep. I have had to take a sharp learning curve re new skills and everyday finds me another lesson learned ( usually how NOT to do things)
I am happy with the direction I am developing my work in. These will always be bespoke items as both the felt and the skin is unique in its individual form and can't be repeated .
I always appreciate honest  feedback so go ahead...let me know what you think.

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